Dravidians of Southern India are basically dark in complexion. The coming of fair skinned Aryans made Dravidians feel inferior. This is when the physicians started their research to achieve fair skin.
Although sink complexion depends on various factors, such as genetics, exposure to sun, and minerals in the soil, their researches result in formulating highly successful skin treatment potion. This combination of herbs literally worked for the Dravidians in toning their sink color to a great extent.
Some of the wonder herbs the helped them overcome their inferiority complex are as follows;
Chamomile: a commonly available herb in the wild it smoothens the skin and serves as a moisturizer.
Chervil is an herb that reduces the melanin production and leads to a fair skin
Comfrey is one other addition that soothes the sink
Elder in the potion served as an astringent
Eyebright has the same effects as that of Elder
Lavender is a nice herbal treatment for oily skin
Parsley helps in enlarging skin pores refreshes the skin
Rose hips and petals were used as moisturizers for softening and toning the skin
Sage was used as a cleansing agent for every kind of skin
The ancient herbal treatment ground together all of the above mentioned herbs into a past and applied them to the exposed sink to get a fair skin. The beauty of this treatment is that it has no side effects like the modern day skin fairness creams. You too can try this to get a glow on your skin!
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