Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are Herbal Weight Loss Pills The Cure?

Obesity is a common problem among men and women all over the world. Overweight persons have certain other medical complication such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Obesity is determined by the body mass index. If the body mass index of an individual exceeds, then the person is said to obese. Obese persons should consult a physician at the earliest. Moreover, fertility rate in overweight women is less when compared to a normal person. Hence overweight women should consult a physician at the earliest and have his advice to reduce the body weight. Herbal weight loss medications are used now-a-days because they give a cure without much side effects.

To reduce weight, antibiotics are available over the counter. But these antibiotics are produce certain side effects in due course of time, so antibiotics are not preferred for the treatment of obesity, and the better choice of treatment comes in the form of herbal weight loss remedies. These herbal weight loss remedies have more protein and less carbohydrates and fats. Less intake of carbohydrates and fats means less amount of calorie is absorbed in the body of obese person.

Taking food which produces only low calories will reduce the weight of an overweight individual. Yogurt is having less fat, and is best to reduce overweight in an overweight person. Cereal and beans can also be used in reducing weight in an overweight person. Appetite is controlled by taking fruits and vegetables, the fibres in the fruits and vegetables regulates the flow of food in the digestive tract, some of the toxins in the human body can be removed by taking a lot of water.

Few of the herbal medicines controlling the overweight in an overweight person are honey, molasses, syrup of grain which is malted. These herbal weight loss medicines are quiet effective in the treatment in obesity in overweight person. These herbal weight loss medicines are best recommended for reducing overweight in a overweight person. As herbal weight loss medicines does not produce any side effects like certain antibiotics in controlling obesity, these herbal weight loss medicines can be taken to cure any long term diseases.

Herbal weight loss medicines have properties which are therapeutic in nature. Herbal weight loss medicines are much more reliable than the conventional antibiotics used in the treatment of overweight in overweight person. Herbal weight loss medicines should not be taken in large amounts, as it may cause certain side effects. Pregnant women should use herbal weight loss medicine with precaution. About the dosage of herbal weight loss medicine, health care professional has to be consulted. Only a health care professional will know about the exact dosage of herbal weight loss medicine to be taken.

Few of the herbal weight loss medicines are Ephedrine, hydroxtryptophan, pyruvate, aloe, dandelion, guarana. These are quiet effective in the treatment of overweight. Ephedrine as an herbal weight loss medicine effectively suppresses the appetite in a person. As the appetitie in a person is reduced, the person takes only less food, less food means absorption of fewer calories into the body, as fewer calories is absorbed into the body, weight loss is achieved in an effective manner. Herbal weight loss medicine dandelion effectively removes water from the body, thereby reducing the weight of an individual.

About the Author: For more information on the best herbal weight loss pills simply go to http://www.4starhealth.com/wlkp-weight_loss_pills.php Breakthrough herbal weight loss pills

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=53953&ca=Wellness%2C+Fitness+and+Diet

Monday, July 27, 2009

Herbal Remedies – Ancient Wisdom Now Tested By Science

Herbal remedies have been known to man for thousands of years, right from early civilization, though it is impossible to put a date on their discovery. The oldest records of herbs being used as medicines date as far back as 2800 BC; these records were discovered in China.

It is well known that people belonging to Persia, India, China, Egypt and even the Red Indians (America) used herbal extracts to treat the ailing members of their community. Scientists also have evidence that animals, especially apes, know about the medicinal properties of some plants and therefore, scientists reason that herbs could have been used as medicine even before the first human evolved on our planet.

After humans discovered the medical values of plants, herbal medicine became part of folklore and it spread by word of mouth and other antiquated means of communication through the centuries. In the 15th century, the printing press was invented, which helped in spreading the popularity of herbal medicine – herbal medicine recipes were printed on paper and passed around; naturally, they caught on like wildfire. By the 17th century herbal medicine was all over the place. Then allopathic medicines caught on and proponents of the allopathic chain of thought rubbished herbal medicine and claimed that it was too weak as compared to the stronger and effective allopathic medicines.

In 1985 the World Health Organization (WHO) was of the view that herbal medicines are an important constituent of health-care. Even today, debate rages on over the efficacy of herbal medicines. Here are a few herbs whose natural healing properties have been scientifically validated:

Ephedrine was an early asthma drug that was derived from the herb, Ephedra.

The plant Meadowsweet contains salicyclic acid and polyphenols – salicyclic is related to aspirin and polyphenols protect the stomach.

St. John's Wort is known to be effective in treating depression.

The plant, Echinacea, has been proven to be effective in boosting the immune system.

Garlic is recognized for its effective cholesterol-lowering qualities.

The goodness of ginger helps protect against heart disease and fight cholesterol too.

Digoxin, a heart medicine, comes from the foxglove plant; Quinine, used to treat malaria, comes from the bark of the Cinchona tree; and, Morphine, the painkiller, comes from the poppy plant.

Though herbal medicines are effective, doctors prefer to stick to the regular medicines because there are many unknown qualities of herbs that still need to be known. Only time and effort will tell how and when the medicinal properties of herbs are fully understood.

Visit Ayurveda News for Herbal remedies info.

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An Ancient Herbal Therapy For Diabetics

Type 2 diabetes is an increasing health problem worldwide. Most of the 194 million people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes, which is caused by inability to regular the sugar in the body properly. Diabetics are of high risk of developing other diseases including heart disease, if their conditions are not well-managed.

A recent study revealed that an herbal therapy that has been used for thousands of years may help control blood sugar levels in people suffering from Type-2 diabetes. Milk thistle, a flowering herb, contains several chemicals with possible medical effects. Most current research focuses on one of them, silymarin, which may have specific protective effects on cells in the liver. Milk thistle can also produce modest reductions in cholesterol levels and help to protect the heart muscle from damage caused by certain drugs. However, these potential uses have not been well-studied in humans.

As reported in the Journal Phytotherapy Research, a study conducted by researchers from the Institute of Medicinal Plants in Teheran seemed to indicate beneficial effects of silymarin for Type 2 diabetics.

The researchers compared the effects of daily supplements of silymarin against a placebo in 52 diabetics. Half of the patients received 200 mg of silymarin 3 times a day for 4 months or the dummy pill along with conventional treatments. At the end of the study, people in the herbal group had reduced blood glucose levels compared to their earlier levels.

The results were indeed very encouraging but further large multi-center studies were necessary. Although some substances appear to have an effect in people with Type 2 diabetes, it is warned that they should not be used as a cure and should not replace traditional therapies. As the study was very small and still in its early stages, it is not recommended to use milk thistle or any other supplement for people with diabetes.

Women who have cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus or who have other hormone-dependent conditions should not take or use milk thistle plant extract due to its possible estrogenic effects. Pregnant women should also not take milk thistle because of it could interfere with normal fetal development. Men who have prostate cancer should not take milk thistle without the approval of a doctor.

Despite the findings, researchers still stressed that the best methods of controlling glucose levels is through a combination of regular physical activity, a healthy diet, and the relevant prescribed medication.

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Heart Disease Prevention - 8 Simple Ways You Can Do Immediately, Go to: http://www.howtopreventheartdisease.com

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Friday, July 3, 2009

Herbal Treatment for Fair Skin

Dravidians of Southern India are basically dark in complexion. The coming of fair skinned Aryans made Dravidians feel inferior. This is when the physicians started their research to achieve fair skin.

Although sink complexion depends on various factors, such as genetics, exposure to sun, and minerals in the soil, their researches result in formulating highly successful skin treatment potion. This combination of herbs literally worked for the Dravidians in toning their sink color to a great extent.

Some of the wonder herbs the helped them overcome their inferiority complex are as follows;

Chamomile: a commonly available herb in the wild it smoothens the skin and serves as a moisturizer.
Chervil is an herb that reduces the melanin production and leads to a fair skin
Comfrey is one other addition that soothes the sink
Elder in the potion served as an astringent
Eyebright has the same effects as that of Elder
Lavender is a nice herbal treatment for oily skin
Parsley helps in enlarging skin pores refreshes the skin
Rose hips and petals were used as moisturizers for softening and toning the skin
Sage was used as a cleansing agent for every kind of skin

The ancient herbal treatment ground together all of the above mentioned herbs into a past and applied them to the exposed sink to get a fair skin. The beauty of this treatment is that it has no side effects like the modern day skin fairness creams. You too can try this to get a glow on your skin!