Monday, March 18, 2013

Effective herbal remedies to cure diabetes

Diabetes is described as the increased level of sugar in blood that is excreted in the urine. Persons with this disease will gradually lose insulin and will be led to abnormal metabolism in taking carbohydrate, protein and sometimes fat. The field of medicine says that the cause behind this problem is the malfunctioning of pancreas. So if you make your pancreas work more efficiently, you can easily escape from this hazardous disease. Instead of doing heavy workout after getting diabetes, it is better to take some herbs and prevent yourself effortlessly. I have listed some of the well known ancient herbal cures for diabetes that are gifted by GOD.

This plant is popularly known as “sugar destroyer” for it has the amazing sugar controlling property. If you chew some leaves of the plant, it decreases the sweetness of the food you eat. The naturopathic physicians call this herb as the anti-diabetic medicine. It works effectively by increasing the beta cells in the pancreas. As these cells secrete more insulin, your body can easily burn the excess of glucose in blood. Scientists have done many researches on this herb and it is a highly recommended one for normalizing blood sugar level.

Neem can be useful in preventing as well as treating diabetes. It is a traditional herb used in herbal medicine for thousands of years. After a successful scientific research, neem is said to be effective if it is taken for a certain period. 5ml juice of neem leaves should be taken in the morning on empty stomach for 3 months continuously to get the benefit. The neem leaf powder is largely available on the market. So you can just get the powder and mix it in water to make the juice. If you are frustrated with the diet control and diabetes medicines, just try it for one time and see the miracle.

Bitter Melon:
In treating diabetes, it is very important to control diet and vegetables work great on it. Bitter melon is a popular sugar controlling vegetable that helps the body to manage the glucose level. It is also called as bitter gourd, karela (in India) etc and its botanical name is Momordica Charantia. Usually all vegetables have the ability to control sugar in blood. But scientists have found that bitter melon is exceptionally beneficial. This vegetable grows in India, China, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Those nations export the fresh vegetable as well as the extracted medicines to many countries.

Turmeric is a spice used in Indian foods and it is also used for aesthetic purposes. You can’t see a south Indian dish without turmeric. They use it to color and add flavor to their foods. But the real fact is that this plant contains curcumin. Curcumin acts as a powerful anti-bacterial agent in herbal medicines. The National institute of Health, USA has reported that curcumin in Turmeric can even treat bowel cancer. You can take a half teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with honey to take control over blood sugar level.