Monday, June 27, 2011

Ancient world used cucumbers as anti carcinogens

India being a tropical country has very high temperatures during summer. There are several ailments that arise due to the raise in temperature. Cucumbers were used as a herbal cure for heat related ailments. Even today cucumbers are used as body coolants during hot summer days. Although cucumbers are liked by all people often are ignorant of the benevolent characters of this simple fruit.

First of all physicians recommend cucumbers as a best diet for weight loss because they have the lowest calories among fruits. They are beneficial in suppressing the hunger by acting as fillers. Cucumbers are rich source of water that contains natural mineral salts that aid in combating various heat related ailments. They increase the performance of kidneys and enhance the blood purification. The water obtained from cucumber supplements any loss due to excessive sweating on hot days.

While the above mentioned are instant and obvious effects of consuming cucumber, there are some long term benefits that would surprise you. Ancient Indians had the habit of smoking and had to face the problems faced by modern day smokers. Some of the obvious effects of smoking like heavy breath and bad breath certainly annoyed them and made them find a wonderful solution. They used cucumbers as an antidote to combat the bad effects of tobacco. Ancient Indians believed that cucumber had the power to harmful substances like nicotine which is carcinogen.

While there are written scripts for several ancient herbal cures, many of the herbal remedies are still only in the form of oral ballads that are sung in the rural areas of the country. Researchers of herbal medicine collect these rare information by recording the ballads and interpreting them.

In modern day weight loss diet, you can find cucumber as a major component. However the effective use of cucumbers against carcinogens is yet to be scientifically proved. If you have any such information you are welcome to post it either are a comment or as a guest post in this blog.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

How turmeric was used in ancient herbal remedies

Turmeric has a long standing history in the ancient herbal remedies in India. It is a variety of spices and is grown in large amounts in southern India. Ancient Tamil culture had well understood the benefits of turmeric. Ancient Tamil people were using it for a wide range of purposes.

The first and foremost purpose as described in ancient Tamil scripts introduces turmeric as a natural hair remover. This is the reason why the Tamil women frequently applied a paste of turmeric over their body before having a bath. Not only does it act as a natural hair remover but also as skin whitener. The dark skinned women in the Dravidian land seem to have a liking toward fair skin and regularly used turmeric as cosmetics.

While Dravidian women found their remedy for hair removal in turmeric, the physicians were discovering the amazing features of the wonder herb. The ancient Tamil scripts reveal that the physicians used turmeric as anti-inflammatory stuff. The history also reveals the ability of turmeric in curing certain cancerous tumors. It seems the early physicians prescribed turmeric for Alzheimer’s disease.

The modern kitchen has also found various uses for turmeric. It is an important ingredient in the spicy non-veg food. Today ayurvedic medical shops spread across the globe sell turmeric in edible forms.

There are also a few restrictions for the use of the wonder spice. It is recommended that people suffering from gallstones or bile obstructions avoid using turmeric. Although the reason isn’t clear the use of turmeric by pregnant women is also under controversy.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Secrets of Cosmetic Dermatology

Most people are significantly concerned about their physical appearances. In their attempt to have smoother skins, they look for solutions on how to remove hair unwanted in some parts of their bodies. Hair care tips are also popular searches. More women search for other beauty secrets to keep them looking younger. Because of the advancement in technology, many people can now defy their age depending on the amount of time and money they are willing to invest. Because of the natural instinct of man to be beautiful, cosmetic dermatology is now gaining a huge market.

Cosmetic Dermatology

Cosmetic Dermatology is a subspecialty of Dermatology. Its main focus is in the enhancement of the physical appearance of individuals. Like other fields of science, a cosmetic dermatologist must be a licensed practitioner. She/he has to finish the regular medical education and further specialize in cosmetic dermatology. In order to practice the profession, she/he must obtain a valid certification from the Board of Cosmetic Dermatology.


Because of the rapid advancement in technology, many people can now enjoy the painless procedures that were once thought impossible. For as long as you have a generous budget, you can have the perfect body and skin that everyone is dreaming of. Today, more and more developments are seen in the field of Cosmetic Dermatology. It will no longer be a surprise if you will find people who look younger and younger despite their actual age. Here are the possible services that you can avail from your cosmetic dermatologists.

  • Botox

People fear bacteria because of their deadly effects. They release toxins that are fatal to human beings. However, modern science found ways to make the scary products into a useful substance. Botox is a good example of this discovery. It uses the toxin from bacteria and injects it into the skin. The small injection is an effective treatment for deep frown lines found in between the eyes and in the forehead.

  • Procedure

The procedure for Botox treatment is very short. The doctor injects small doses of the Botulinum toxin in the muscles of the target area. The procedure uses fine needles, thus the pain is so mild that anyone can actually tolerate it. Doctors use topical anesthesia to reduce the patient’s discomfort. Right after the injection, you will feel slight numbness in the area due to the paralysis of the tiny muscles. Results are visible right after the treatment but wrinkle-free skin happens within five to seven days. Because Botox only lasts for three to six months, you need to repeat the procedure at regular intervals to maintain your younger looking skin.

  • Laser Hair Removal

The popularity of the laser hair removal makes it available in many institutions. The procedure involves the removal of hair unwanted in some parts of the body. Common treatment locations are the underarm, legs, upper lip, chin and bikini line. It is advisable for people who want relief from shaving and plucking as it is effectively slows down hair growth. However, it does not guarantee permanent results. It may take several sessions before you see the effects of the treatment and may require a repeat session after a while.


Before the actual procedure, doctors ask the patients to avoid shaving, plucking and using other forms of hair removal. During the actual treatment, protective equipments are provided. A topical anesthesia is applied to reduce your discomfort. As the laser beams enter your follicle, you will feel stinging sensations. Redness and swelling are common scenarios after the first few hours of removal.


There are minimal risks for laser hair removals. Some of the most common includes skin irritation and pigmentation. If you are interested to undergo the procedure, you need to provide your doctor about your complete medical background. Pregnant women are not advised to undergo the treatment because of the risk associated with laser beams.

Hair Loss

Another procedure done by cosmetic dermatologist is the hair loss treatment. Because of the hair is the crowning glory, you need to follow the different hair care tips to ensure a healthy crown. However, some people are born to suffer baldness. If you share the same mishap, your doctor is the best person to go to. Here are the possible treatments they offer.

  • Drugs

Certain drugs are approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat alopecia or baldness. Some of the over the counter drugs include Minoxidil. It is liquid foam rubbed in the scalp two times a day to stimulate the growth of new hair. Other prescription drugs are Finasteride and some corticosteroids. To ensure your safety, consult your doctor before taking any of them.

  • Surgery

Hair transplant and scalp reduction are examples of surgical treatment for hair loss. Because of the high cost and risks associated with them, it serves only as the last option when the conservative methods fail.

  • Tattoo Removal

Tattoos are previously called as permanent imprints in the body. But with the technology nowadays, you can erase your unwanted tattoos using laser beams. If you want to undergo the procedure, you just have to consult a licensed dermatologist who offers the service.


Laser targets the ink embedded in the skin. During the treatment, the beams break the ink into smaller and easily mobilized particles to facilitate its removal from the body. After a few weeks of laser treatments, the ink gradually decreases until it fades away. The numbers of treatments vary on the intensity of the color used and the density and depth of the ink. Certain colors easily respond to the treatment. Yellow and green are the most difficult colors to remove.


At an average, it will take three to eight sessions before the tattoo is completely erased. During the procedure, you may experience some degree of discomforts. Although the treatment is safe, you need to avoid direct exposure to the sun to prevent side effects. Your doctor may also give you topical creams to avoid scarring.

These three procedures are only some of the services offered in many cosmetic dermatology clinics. If you think you do not have the means to undergo the aesthetic treatments, you can always start with the traditional home remedies for your problem. You can check the net for information on home hair care tips and other beauty regimens.